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Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Tetiana Kotyk – Ukrainian linguist, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the department of professional methods and technologies of primary education of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, participant of more than 90 international, all-Ukrainian conferences, forums, congresses.
In 1980, she graduated from the Faculty of Philology at the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. After graduation, Tatiana began teaching at the Ivano-Frankivsk Pedagogical Institute (now Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University). Under the influence of teaching, a range of her scientific interests was formed – the method of teaching the Ukrainian language to the youngest citizens of Ukraine – preschoolers and younger students.
In 1994 she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Methods of preparing students for teaching children of Ukrainian language”, where they scientifically substantiated the conditions of formation of vocational and vocational readiness of students of preschool faculties for teaching children of Ukrainian language and the program of complex preparation of preschool teachers of schools in the eastern part of Ukraine state language. This work initiated a new direction in Ukrainian linguistics, the theory of teaching the basics of linguistics.
In her doctoral dissertation on the theme “Theory and practice of formation and development of Ukrainian preschool linguistics,” variously – from a methodological, historical, linguistic and scientific point of view – characterized a new scientific field – Ukrainian preschool linguistics, revealed the tendencies, revealed prospects for its further development. This work initiated the formation of the methodological level of Ukrainian linguistics.
- Kotyk has done a lot to spread the Ukrainian language in the Russian-speaking regions of Eastern and Southern Ukraine, to instill in the children of these regions a love for the language of their people. In the first years of our country’s formation, for many years in a row, in Odessa, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhya regions, I conducted seminars, practical classes on the methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language for preschool teachers and primary school teachers, involved students of the university in active everyday Ukrainian language, taught preschool language.
Her teaching methodology of Ukrainian language has interested foreign experts. During 1992-1995 she worked at the Institute of Eastern Europe (Munich), teaching staff of the Institute of Ukrainian Language.
T.Kotyk is a member of the editorial boards of scientific and methodological journals and collections published in the scientific centers of Ukraine and abroad, specialized scientific councils for the protection of PhD and doctoral dissertations, and the head of the research topic “Formation of the linguistic personality of the younger student”.
Awarded many honors, including from the Head of the Main Department of Education and Science of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration (2012), the rectorate of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (2010, 2015, 2019), the Ternopil National Pedagogical University (2010), Khmelnytsky National University (2008), Trade Union Committee of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (2010, 2011, 2017), Director of the Pedagogical Institute at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, presented before the award with honorary honors of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.
Research activities:
Modern scientific achievements Т. Kotyk – about 300 scientific works on problems of linguistics and pedagogy, among them monographs, textbooks, manuals, methodical recommendations, educational programs for students of higher educational institutions, teachers of preschool institutions and schools, articles, reviews, expert conclusions on textbooks for elementary school, etc. . An important place in the research activity of T/ Kotyk is devoted to the study of methodological problems of pedagogical and linguo-didactic sciences, as well as innovative technologies of teaching younger students of their native language at the New Ukrainian School.
Educational activities:
T/ Kotyk provides teaching subjects “Topical problems of teaching in the elementary school subjects of language and literary education”, “Methods of teaching the Ukrainian language in elementary school.”
Сучасний науковий доробок – близько 180 наукових праць з проблем лінгводидактики й педагогіки, серед яких монографії, підручники, посібники, методичні рекомендації, навчальні програми для студентів вищих навчальних закладів, педагогів дошкільних установ і шкіл, статті, рецензії та ін. Важливе місце в дослідницькій діяльності науковця відведене вивченню методологічних проблем педагогічної й лінгводидактичної наук.
До основних наукових і науково-методичних праць Т.М. Котик належать такі: Технологія підготовки студентів до навчання дошкільників української мови (1995); Українська дошкільна лінгводидактика: історія, здобутки, перспективи. Монографія (2004); Становлення змістового аспекту теорії викладання основ лінгводидактичної науки (2005); Методологічні засади лінгводидактики (2007); Засоби керування навчально-мовленнєвою діяльністю іноземних студентів у процесі вивчення української мови( 2007); Методологічні засади забезпечення наступності в навчанні мови дошкільників і молодших школярів ( 2008); Рідна мова як засіб формування ноосферного мислення молодшого школяра ( 2008) ; Дитячий білінгвізм у двомовних сім’ях як науково-педагогічна проблема (2008). Формування готовності майбутніх учителів молодших класів до використання мультимедійних засобів на уроках української мови, Методика стимулювання художньо-мовленнєвої творчості молодших школярів (2013) та ін.