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Candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent |
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Professional Methods and Technologies of Primary Education 1. Stepanova LV Play forms of organization of pupils ‘activity at the lessons of labor training and art work as a means of mastering the younger students’ experience of creative activity. Ways to develop the creative abilities of younger students: Coll. articles, method, tips, recommendations / ed. MG Stelmakhovich. Ivano-Frankivsk, 1995. P. 105–109. 2. Stepanova LV, Oliyar MP, Faichak Z.E. Play forms of organization of educational activity of students in school I degree: monograph. Lviv: LNU, 1996. 103 p. 3. Kolesnichenko II, Stepanova LV Home culture, materials technology and elementary technology in elementary grades. Technology. Labor training 1-4 grades, 5-11 grades: programs of general education institutions. Moscow: Enlightenment, 2000. pp. 15–46. 4. Stepanova LV, Faychak Z.E. The use of play forms of organizing the activity of younger students in the lessons of mathematics and work training: teaching method. manual. Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 2000. 65 p. 5. Stepanova LV Folk teaching in the work preparation of students. Sources. 2000. №3–4. Pp. 90–93. 6. Stepanova LV The use of pedagogical ideas Rusova in the process of becoming an educational branch of “Technology”. Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Pedagogy series. Issue 5. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2001. P. 991–05. 7. Stepanova LV Technologies of students’ independent research work: guidelines for students of IV-V courses of the Pedagogical Institute. Ivano-Frankivsk: Precarpathian University, 2001. 50 p. 8.Stepanova LV Methodical bases of the use of the design and technological system in the labor education of younger students. Junior pupil: developmental problems: coll. Sciences. wash. Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 2006. P. 133–136. 9.Stepanova LV Methodical principles of involving younger students in design and technological activities in the classroom. TPU Scientific Notes. Series: Pedagogy. Ternopil. No. 3. 2006. P. 108–110. 10.Stepanova LV, Khorunzhiy VI Curriculum for the in-service training of elementary school teachers in higher educational institutions. “Technology”. Methods of labor training. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2005. 42 p. 11. Stepanova LV Mastering the basics of composition for younger students in art lessons. Sources. 2007. № 3-4. Pp. 196–202 c. 12.Stepanova LV Game technologies of preschooler cultural competence formation. Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Pedagogy. 2008. Issue XVIII-XVIII: Materials of the International Symposium “Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of the Personal Formation of a Preschooler in the Multicultural Space of the Society in the Age of his Educational Transformations” 27-29.03.08, Berehove. Pp. 279–282. 13.Stepanova LV Work tradition in a mountain school (We study the use of ethno-pedagogical sources of labor education in primary schools). Mountain school of the Ukrainian Carpathians. 2007. №2–3. P. 172–173. 14.Stepanova LV, Slivka LV Methods of studying valeology and basics of life safety in elementary school: curriculum for students of higher education. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2008. 54 p. 15.Stepanova LV Methods of labor education in elementary grades: educational-methodical materials for the step-by-step preparation of elementary school teachers in higher pedagogical educational institutions: “Technology”. Methods of primary education. Module I. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2007. 86 p. 16.Stepanova LV Pedagogical principles of creating an educational environment for teaching younger students the design elements. Sources. 2009. № 1–2. Pp. 70–74. 17.Stepanova LV, Savyuk GP Ecological education of students is a necessary component of the Carpathian nature conservation. Mountain school of the Ukrainian Carpathians. 2008. №4–5. Pp. 260–266. 18.Stepanova LV , Bai IB, Izvekova GV Methods of labor education in elementary grades: educational-methodical materials for the step-by-step preparation of elementary school teachers in higher pedagogical educational institutions: “Technology”. Methods of primary education. Module 2. Workshop in training workshops. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2009. 89 p. 19.Stepanova L. Design Elements in Elementary School Labor Education Lessons. Topical problems of elementary school in modern conditions: materials of a scientific-practical seminar with international participation / Уклад. OI Poyasik, MP Kovalchuk. Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR, 2012. pp. 24–29. 20.Bai I., Boklaschuk O., Stepanova L. Methods of labor education in elementary grades: educational-methodical materials for independent work of students. Module 4. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2012. 80 p. 21.Stepanova L. Towards an attempt to standardize the content of primary labor education in a comprehensive school. Mountain school of the Ukrainian Carpathians. 2013. №8–9. Pp. 46–48. 22. Stepanova L. The content of work training in primary school: a regional aspect. Carpathians – Appalachians: Personality Formation in the Context of Sustainable Development of Mountainous Regions: Proceedings of the Second International Joint Ukrainian-American Scientific and Practical Conference, September 24-26, 2013 / Gol. ed. VD Chafer. Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR, 2013. P. 191–193. 23. Babelska LV, Khimchuk LI Development of creative abilities of younger students in labor education: regional aspect. Mountain School: Contemporary Challenges and Prospects for Development: Monograph / for scientific ed. Ph.D. Oliyar MP Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR, 2017. S. 241–253. ISBN 978-966-2716-91-7. 24. Babelska LV, Khimchuk LI Technology education industry. Design and technology. Methodical recommendations for passing industrial practice in elementary school. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2019. P. 32–36. Eaches courses in: Scientific interests: E-mail: stepanova@gmail.com Tel: 57-00-10 Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
In 1980 she graduated with honors from the Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute named after Vasyl Stefanyk, majoring in “Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education”.
Scientific and pedagogical activity
Since 1987 – Assistant of the Department of Natural and Mathematical Disciplines of Ivano-Frankivsk Pedagogical Institute.
In 1992 she defended her dissertation “Methodical bases of using play forms of organization of activity at lessons of labor training in elementary school”, specialty 13.00.02; the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences was conferred.
November 14, 1995 was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education.
In 1993-95 she was acting Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Philology.
In 1998-2000 she was acting Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education.
Since 2000 – Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education.
Since 2016 – Associate Professor of the Department of Professional Methods and Technologies of Primary Education.
For conscientious work, high professionalism, exemplary performance of duties in accordance with the order of the Rector of the University in December 2019, we are grateful.
“Work Training with Workshop” a special course of choice “Innovative approaches to the organization of work training in primary school”
theoretical and methodological foundations of the labor training of primary school students
design elements in elementary school students’ initial work education