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Candidate of pedagogical sciences,
PhD. inpedagogy, AssociateProfessor, assistantprofessortheDepartmentof Professional MethodsandPrimaryEducation TechnologiesatVasylStefanykPrecarpathianNationalUniversity .
Graduated in 1981 from Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute named after VasylStefanyk, Musical-pedagogical department.
From 1984 till 1987 attended postgraduate courses at Moscow NDI of Artistic Education. In December 1987 successfully defended the Ph.D. thesis“Development of artistic style of senior pupils during after-class art lessons” and gained academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
After graduation from postgraduate courses conducted lectures and practical lessons in Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute named after VasylStefanyk at the department of Music with teaching methods.
In 1988 graduated from the department of Professional retraining at Precarpathian University named after VasylStefanyk, specialty “Psychology. Practical psychology in educational field” and gained the profession “Practical psychologist”. In 1992 gained academic statusAssociateProfessorat the department of Music with teaching methods.
During the work at the department ofDepartmentof Professional MethodsandPrimaryEducationTechnologies conduct lectures and practical lessons on the following academic disciplines: «Theory and methods of musical education» «Musicalartwithteachingmethods» «Innovativeconcepts ofmusical education» «Providing succession іn pre-school andprimary education». Manage preparation of coursework and graduate thesis for students from Primary education department, prepare students for participation in scientific-practical conferences with further publishing of common with students scientific articles, manage the scientific group “Musical art in modern Ukrainian school: problems and searching”.
The main scientific works are dedicated to musical education of children of pre-school age and primary school age, and also to establishment and development of musical-pedagogical education in Ukraine, the implementation of new pedagogical technologies in musical-pedagogical activity of a teacher in primary school.
The author of more than 70 scientific works, dedicated to the study of musical education, teaching and development of children in pre-school and primary school educational organizations.
2014 publications 1. Barilo S. Tendencies of musical education of younger students at the current stage of development of school education / S. Barilo. // Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Pedagogy. - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2014. - Issue. 51. - P.7-13. 2. Barilo S. History of the development of piano education / S. Barilo // Art in modern schools: problems, searches: scientific articles / for the head. ed. professors. MVVovka. - Ivano-Frankivsk: View of the Carpathians. nat. to them. V. Stefanyk, 2014. - Vip. VIII. - pp. 14-21.
3. Kachmar O., Barilo S. Forms of extracurricular work on musical education in elementary school / O. Kachmar, S. Barilo // Bulletin of the Carpathian University .- Pedagogy. - Issue 51, - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2014. - P. 111-114.4. Kachmar O., Barilo S. Problems of family upbringing in the pedagogical heritage of Myroslav Stelmakhovych / Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “Myroslav Hnatovych Stelmakhovich - an eminent Ukrainian teacher”. - Ivano-Frankivsk − 2014. - P.77-81. 5. Kachmar O., Barilo S. Formation of performing skills on the example of piano pieces of forgotten Ukrainian composers of the first third of the twentieth century. / O. Kachmar, S. Barilo // Scientific and Pedagogical Journal of Obriya. –2 (37) .– 2013-14. - Ivano-Frankivsk. - P.14-17.
2015 publications 1. Barilo S. Use of information technologies in music education of younger students / S. Barilo // Art in modern schools: problems, searches: scientific articles / for the head. ed. professors. MVVovka. – Ivano-Frankivsk: View of the Carpathians. nat. to them. V. Stefanyk, 2015. – Vip. THEM. – pp. 14-20. 2. Barillo S. Listening and perception of music in kindergarten as a means of involvement in the music arts / S. Barilo. // Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Pedagogy. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2015. – Issue. 52. – P.114-117.
3. Barilo S., Kachmar O. Forms of extracurricular work on music education in elementary school / S. Barilo, O. Kachmar // Bulletin of the Carpathian University. Pedagogy. - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2015. - Issue. LI. - P.111-114. 4. Barilo S. Organization of music-listening activities in the lessons of musical art in elementary school / S. Barilo // Mountain School of Ukrainian Capats. - 2015. - №12-13. - P.259-261. 5. Barilo S.B. Methodical recommendations for the organization of independent work of students in the educational course "Theory and Methods of Music Education" / S. Barilo. - Ivano-Frankivsk: Folio, 2015. - 36 p.
Publications for 2016 1. Barilo S. Modern information technologies in music lessons in elementary school / p. Barilo // Horizons: scientific-pedagogical journal. - Ivano-Frankivsk, 2016. - S. 2. Barilo S. Development of musical and creative abilities of younger students / S. Barilo, O. Kachmar // Art in modern schools: problems, searches: scientific articles / for the head. ed. professors. MVVovka. - Ivano-Frankivsk: View of the Carpathians. nat. to them. V. Stefanyk, 2016. - VIP. THEM. - P. 15-21
Circle name: "Topical problems of music education in elementary school".
E-mail: svitlana_bb@ukr.net
Тел: 57-00-10
Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника