Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, docent
Personal informationScientific activityActivityContacts
Struk Anna born 23 November 1987 year.
2005-2010 years – student of Pedagogical department, Precarpathian national university by VasylStefanyk (speciality «Primary education» qualification Teacher primary school of English language and literature).
2005-2010 years – student of Economics department, Precarpathian national university by Vasyl Stefanyk (speciality «Accounting and Audit» qualification Economist – Bookkeeper).
2010-2011 years – assistant department of Methematical and Natural Sciences of primary education.
2011-2014 years – postgraduate department of Mathematical and Natural Sciences of primary education, Precarpathian National University.
2020 Associate Professor of the Department of Professional Methods and Technologies of Primary Education, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
2020 defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Theoretical and methodological foundations of the
formation of lexical and ethnographic competence of future primary school teachers”.
Degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (2020).
2014-2016 years – Ph.D., lecturer of Mathematical and Natural Sciences of primary education.
2016-2020 years – Ph.D., Associate professor in the Department of Professional Methods and Technologies of Primary Education.
List of publications
- Zharovska A. V. Theoretical principles of speech training the future primary school teachers/ A. V. Zharovska //Scientific bulletin of Chernivtsi university. Pedagogy and Psychology.zb.nauk.works.vol.572. Chernivtsi, 2001. S.56-60.
- Zharovska A. V. Communicative competence as constituent of professional competence of teacher of initial classes / A. V. Zharovska //Scientific bulletin Mykolayiv state university by V.O.Sukhomlynsky:zb.nauk.works.Teaching science.vol.1.34.-Nikolaev.MNY by V.O.Sukhomlynsky,2011.-s.49-52.
- Zharovska A. V. Continuity between preschool and elementary education content learning language ethnology/ A. V. Zharovska //Scientific bulletin Mykolayiv state university by V.O.Sukhomlynsky:zb.nauk.works.Teaching science.vol.1.37.-Nikolaev.MNY by V.O.Sukhomlynsky,2012.-s.109-112.
- Zharovska A. V. Formation of lexical and ethnology competence of future primary school teachers/ A. V. Zharovska //Scientific bulletin of Volyn national university by L.Ukrainka:zb.nauk.works.Teaching science.vol.14(239).-Luck,2012.-S.183-187.
- 5. Zharovska A. V. Enrichment dictionary junior pupils by means ethnological vocabulary/ A. V. Zharovska //Scientific bulletin Mykolayiv state university by V. Sukhomlynsky: zb. nauk. works. Teaching science. vol.1.39. Nikolaev. MNY the V. O. Sukhomlynsky, 2012. S.87-90.
- Zharovska A. V. Interactive methods of studies of lexical folk-knowing competense of junior schoolchild/ A. V. Zharovska //Scientific bulletin Mykolayiv state university by V. O. Sukhomlynsky: zb. nauk. works. Teaching science.vol.1.41.(93). Nikolaev: MNY the V. O. Sukhomlynsky, 2013. S.48-51.
- Zharovska A. V. Use of innovative technologies in the formation of lexical and ethnology competence of primary school teachers/ A. V. Zharovska //Scientific journal NPY by M.P. Dragomanova. Series 17. Theory and practice of learning and education.vol.23. K., 2013. S.64-68.
- Struk A. V. Formation of the lexical and ethnologic competence of the future elementary teacher by means of innovative technologies. Scientific Bulletin of Mykolaiv State University: Collection of Scientific Papers. Pedagogical Sciences.Issue 2. (49). Nikolaev: MSU, 2015. P. 38-41.
- Struk A. V.Preparing a future elementary school teacher to work on mastering vocabulary. Ukrainian Carpathian Mountain School VasylStefanykPrecarpathian National University: Collection of scientific papers. Pedagogical Sciences. № 12-13. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2015.P.187-189.
- Struk A. V. Linguistics and Ethnographic Components of the Future Primary School Teacher Training in Mountain School.Mountain school of the Ukrainian Carpathians.Scientific and methodological journal.№ 15, Ivano-Frankivsk, 2016. P. 203-206.
- Struk A. V. Formation of students’ readiness for professional and pedagogical activity in elementary school. Mountain school of the Ukrainian Carpathians.Scientific and methodological journal.№ 17, Ivano-Frankivsk, 2017. P.45-48.
- Struk A.V. Formation of vocabulary competence in professional training of future primary school teachers. Kherson State University Scientific Bulletin: Collection of Scientific Papers. Pedagogical Sciences.Volume LXXXII Volume 1. Kherson: 2018. P.176-179.
- Struk A.V. The problem of preparation of future primary school teachers in the theory of higher education pedagogy. Modern information technologies and innovative teaching methods in the training of specialists: methodology, theory, experience, problems. Issue 52 / Ed. Kyiv-Vinnytsia: Planner LLC, 2018. 401-405 p.
- Struk A.V. The essence of professional training of future primary school teachers. Kherson State University Scientific Bulletin: a collection of scientific papers. Pedagogical Sciences.Kherson, 2018.Vip.LXXXIII Volume 1.P.173-176.
- Struk A. V. Lexical and ethnic competence as a component of the professional speech of the future primary elementary teacher. Ukrainian Carpathian Mountain School VasylStefanykPrecarpathian National University: Collection of scientific papers. Pedagogical Sciences.№ 18.Ivano-Frankivsk, 2018.P.127-131.
- Struk A. V. Linguistic principles of formation of lexical-ethical competence of the future elementary school teacher.Scientific Journal of the Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation.Innovative pedagogy.Odessa, 2018.Vol. 6. P. 91-94.
- Struk A.V. Theoretical bases of formation of professional competence of the future elementary school teacher. Scientific journal of M. P.Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Pedagogical sciences: realities and perspectives. Kyiv, 2018.Vol. 64.P. 185-187.
- Struk A.V. The cultural approach as a methodological basis for the study of the phenomenon of «lexico-ethnological competence».Izmail State Humanities University Scientific Bulletin: collection of scientific papers. Series «Pedagogical Sciences».Ismail, 2018.Iss. 39. P. 93-97.
- Struk A.V. Formation of professional-speaking competence of future elementary school teacher. Scientific journal of M.P.Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Pedagogical sciences: realities and perspectives. Kyiv, 2019.Vol. 67. P. 263-266.
- Struk A.V. Use of innovative technologies in the process of preparation of the future elementary school teacher. Scientific Journal of the Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation.Innovative pedagogy.Odessa, 2019.Vol. 10.P. 18-21.
- Struk A.V.The essence of the concept of «professional competence of future elementary school teachers» in modern pedagogy.Psychological and pedagogical problems of the modern school.Vol. 1.Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Uman State.PavelTychyna University.Uman: Visa, 2019. P. 114-120.
- Struk A.V. Pedagogical conditions of formation of lexical-ethnological competence of the future elementary school teacher. Scientific journal of M. P.Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Pedagogical sciences: realities and perspectives. Kyiv, 2019.Vol. 68. P. 201-204.
- Struk A.V. Improvement of communicative and speaking skills of future primary school teachers in the process of pedagogical practice. Pedagogy of creative personality formation in higher and secondary schools: Coll. of sciences. Zaporizhzhya:KPU, 2019. Vol. 63. T. 1. P. 70-73.
- Struk A. V. Formation of communicative language skills of future elementary school teachers as a linguo-didactic problem. Scientific Journal of the Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation.Innovative pedagogy.Odessa, 2019.Vol. 12. T. 2. P. 50-53.
- Struk A. V. Ethnographic component of professional and pedagogical training of future primary school teachers. Scientific Bulletin of Mykolaiv State University: Collection of scientific works. Pedagogical Sciences. Issue 2 (65), May 2019. Mykolaiv: V. O.Sukhomlinsky MNU, 2019. P. 286-289.
- Struk A. V. Communicative approach in the preparation of future elementary school teachers.Scientific journal of M. P.Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Pedagogical sciences: realities and perspectives. Kyiv, 2019.Vol. 69. P. 248-250.
Research activities: author of more than 57 scientific works: monographs, manuals, programs and publications in scientific domestic and foreign professional publications. Participant in international and all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences. Participated in the program Erasmus+Programme KA107 (Krakow, Poland, 2018). In order to improve her professional qualification, she completed a three-month (180 hours) internship at the Higher School of Linguistic Studies (Poland). Has participated in various trainings: Training course: «Unskilled – up skilling adult educators for digital lead» (Czestochowa, Poland, 2018); «ERASMUS+Programme, CBHE Action “MoPED: Modernization of Pedagogical Higher Education by Innovative Teaching Instruments”» (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 2018); «ERASMUS+Programme, CBHE Action “MoPED: Modernization of Pedagogical Higher Education by Innovative Teaching Instruments”» (Uman, Ukraine, 2019); Google Apps in Education, supported by the Digital Development Academy, VasylStefanykPrecarpathian National University, Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of Ivano-Frankivsk State Administration, Department of Education and Science of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, jointly with Google Ukraine (Ivano-Frankivsk, 2019).
Educational activities:provides teaching of the discipline Methodology of education of the field of social science and Methodology of education of the field of science.
Organizational activity:Coordinator of the Master’s Degree Program in Double Diplomas with the Pedagogical University in Krakow and the Higher Linguistic School in Czestochowa (Poland).
E-mail: xmyrkax@ukr.net
Тел: 57-00-10
Precarpathian National University, Teaching Institute
Department of Professional Methods and Technologies of Primary Education Bandera,1, r.706
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018